Directions to Sign In to Netflix on TV

Elena Smith
2 min readOct 14, 2022

Netflix is a video streaming service that allows users to watch TV shows, movies, and various other content on their TVs.

In this blog, we’ll teach you how to sign into Netflix on your TV so you can enjoy all your favorite content on the big screen!

1. Turn on your television and select the HDMI input that is connected to your Roku device.

2. Press the Input button on your remote control until you see an image of a small box with a black border (or a small box with “HDMI” written in it) appear on the screen. This indicates that you have successfully selected the correct input for your Roku device.

Read More: How to Login to Netflix?

3. Press Home on your Roku remote control. The Home screen will appear, displaying all of your installed channels and apps.

4. Use the left and right arrows to navigate between the channels and apps listed on the home page until you find Netflix in the list of channels or apps available for installation on your Roku device (you may need to scroll down). Press OK/Select when you have found Netflix in order to select it for installation. If this is the first time you have tried installing Netflix onto your Roku device then nothing will happen

Visit for more help: Netflix Sign in on TV

immediately after pressing OK/Select because there is no installation file yet for Netflix; however if you have installed another app or channel before.

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Elena Smith

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